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ACN: 607 144 08

ACN 000 604 795
Company Profile

Environment and Markets
Annual Reports to Australian Securities and Investments Commission


South East Fibre Exports Pty Ltd (SEFE) is the owner of the Eden woodchip mill, until 23 December 2015 it was a subsidiary of Japan’s biggest paper manufacturing company, the Nippon Paper Group Inc. It is now owned by 3 companies which own Melbourne based Allied Natural Wood Enterprises, at the time a $2 company.
Eden was Australia’s first woodchip mill, set up in 1969 by the Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Company of Japan and was the first overseas operation of that company. Woodchip exports commenced in December 1970.
Nippon Paper took over Daishowa in 2001 and the Australian subsidiary changed its name from Harris-Daishowa to SEFE in 2003.
The Eden chipmill uses mainly native forest trees, most cut down solely for woodchipping. It does not use waste wood and, indeed, cannot process branches, butts or crowns. It can only chip whole tree logs.
Eden is the only region in New South Wales where trees are felled solely for woodchipping. This has led to very large scale logging operations, with virtual clear felling the norm.
Since its establishment it has exported about 40 million tonnes of native forest chips, mostly to Japan and mostly to paper mills owned by its (then) parent company in Japan. The biggest market for Eden woodchips is now China.

After Tax profits in $A

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
9,348,609 8,199,570 6,292,798 6,084,308 6,038,351 10,347,751 12,981,967 6,839,580 9,063,146 11,775,732
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
5,983,063 7,763,403 6,446,910 6,264,013 7,265,748 6,060,015 7,968,447 6,859,580 9,063,146 10,907,529
2009 2010  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
3,888,013 4,441,756 (126,430) (2,644,516) (1,137,698) 2,108,908 * 1,201,352 3,268,470 10,625,316
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22** 2022/23** 2023/24***          
  1,796,054 60,453,885 15,207,723 3,558,468          

*ANWE acquired SEFE in 2015, but no Annual Financial Statements were reported to ASIC until 2017 so profit or loss figures are incomplete. Note: Pentarch Forestry also owns and operates facilities at the Eden chipmill, but no separate figures for its Eden operations are available.
**Since 2021/22 ANWE has been the owner of some other mills in addition to the Eden chipmill. The Annual Financial Statements to ASIC do not provide separate figures for its Eden woodchipping operations.
***While ANWE reported a profit of $3,558.468 in 2023/24, Pentarch
Group Pty Ltd reported a loss of $4,862,187

Environment and Markets

Exports of woodchips in Green Tonnes

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
700,123 666,830 704,264 712,758 760,993 711,378 794,433 838,600 854,550
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1,060,407 1,071,841 977,074* 796,850 1,033,195* 922,551 766,161* 705,496** 674,255
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
485,210*** 543,490* 656,537* 666,000* 560.774* 131,000* 339,500* 540,207* 329,241

* includes some plantation pine chips
** includes approx 125,000 tonnes pine chips
*** since 2015 ANWE Annual Financial Statements to ASIC have not reported export sales. These figures are estimates based on shipping data.

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South East Fibre Exports

Nippon Paper Resources Australia Pty Ltd.
Financial Statement 2013
Financial Statement 2012
Financial Statement 2011


Allied Natural Wood Exports
Annual Financial Statement to ASIC 2023/24
Annual Financial Statement to ASIC 2022/23
Annual Financial Statement 2021/22

Annual Financial Statement to ASIC 2019

Annual Financial Statement to ASIC 2018
Annual Financial Statement to ASIC 2017

WA Plantation Resources  Pty Ltd
Financial Statement 2011

Pentarch group
Pentarch Holdings Pty Ltd. Financial Statement to ASIC 2018

Pentarch Permaculture and Carbon Pty Ltd
Pentarch Group Pty Ltd 2022/23
Pentarch Group Pty Ltd 2023/24

Paper Australia Pty Ltd (includes Nippon
Paper Australia Pty Ltd)

Financial Statement 2013
Financial Statement 2012
Financial Statement 2011

Nippon Paper Australia Pty Ltd.
For statements post 2010, see Paper Australia Pty Ltd
Financial statement to ASIC for year 2009
Financial statement to ASIC for year 2008


Allied Natural Wood Exports Pty Ltd (owner,Eden chipmill from 23 December 2015)
· Current & Historical Company Extract ASIC
· Change to company details
· ASIC Application for registration as an Australian company


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