"I have more respect for your money than to just write blank cheques to industries which, let's face it, have been very good at using taxpayers' money, but haven't always been that good at maintaining production and jobs.”- TONY ABBOTT, ABCTV Lateline 5 August 2013 


When will major political parties apply this standard to the
native forest woodchipping industry?

This list is not comprehensive. Some items are not quantified. Some are once only payments Some are every year. Some are national and some are for particular States. The list illustrates the range, extent and magnitude of taxpayer subsidies available to the native forest logging industry.

 In November 2023 Frontier Economics released a report "Public native forest logging: a large and growing taxpayer burden". For NSW, it found;*Forestry Corporation NSW received $246.9 million worth of government (both Commonwealth and State) grants since 2019/20 financial year, * losses within the hardwood division of FCNSW during that same period equalled $28.2 million,* and the native forestry industry (sawmills, contractors etc) received at least $213 million in support packages since 2020.read the report

Subsidy/ grant



One-stop-shop forestry online database

$300 million Quote from federal Minister Julie Collins 5 December 2024 media statement: "The Albanese Labor Government is investing $300 million in the future of the forestry industry, which includes:
Over $100 million for transformative research, development and innovation for the timber industry through Australian Forest and Wood Innovations
• Over $100 million to support the medium and long-term sustainability of our wood processing sector through the Accelerate Adoption of Wood Processing Innovation program
• Over $73 million to expand Australia’s future wood supply through the Support Plantation Establishment program, and
• $10 million in the industry’s training needs through the Forestry Workforce Training Program." https://minister.agriculture.gov.au/collins/media-releases/one-stop-shop-forestry-online-database
A Future Grown in Australia: A Better Plan for Forestry and Forestry Products.  $3.4 million over four years

From 2024/25 Budget for a national strategy for the wood fibre and forestry sector and a commitment to review the 1992 National Forestry Policy Statement in collaboration with state and territory governments. These initiatives are part of a $302 million investment in new plantations and technology.

Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund Grafton Timber mill upgrade $20 million NSW and federal Government: Grafton timber factory receives major upgrade, 08 Apr, 2024 Grafton timber factory receives major upgrade - Build Australia
NSW budget hand out to Forestry Corporation for road repair work $58 million 19 September 2023 https://www.nature.org.au/nsw_budget_fails_to_meet_the_climate_and_environment_moment
Accelerate Adoption of Wood Processing Innovation grant program $108 million 21 April 2023 Federal government announcement: "Timber companies to get $108M funding from Federal Government." Timberbiz article    Ministerial announcement
Bridges Renewal Program $4,540,00 Watergums Creek Bridge, Wonboyn.The existing single-lane bridge will be replaced with a two-lane concrete structure. The new bridge will be higher than the 100-year flood level and capable of carrying heavy forestry harvesting vehicles. $3,540,000 from federal government, co-funded with the Bega Valley Shire Council with a total project cost of $4,540,000. Kristy McBain announcement
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation $100 million

Federal budget confirms $100m for forest product innovations” Timberbiz, 26 October 2022 National Institute for Forest Products Innovation + confirmation of other previously announced grants by the former coalition government. https://www.timberbiz.com.au/federal-budget-confirms-100m-for-forest-product-innovations/


ForestWorks. Funding  for Log Haulage Code of Practice.  $3.5 million ForestWorks has received funding for the implementation of support products for the Log Haulage Code of Practice. The project will develop two products that will support recognition, adoption, implementation and compliance to the Log Haulage Code of Practice, 26 September 2022 https://www.timberbiz.com.au/forestworks-funded-to-support-log-haulage-code-of-practice/
NSW subsidy for flood affected North Coast timber industry $10 million NSW government has announced a $10 million subsidy to help the flood-ravaged timber industry in northern NSW stay afloat. 24 May 2022
Waste project to power Opal’s pulp and paper mill, Maryvale Vic.  $48.2m Federal election promise by Liberal Party. Maryvale Energy from Waste project at Opal Australian Paper’s Maryvale Mill, https://www.timberbiz.com.au/opal-gains-48m-for-its-energy-from-waste-project-at-maryvale/
Coalition election promises 2022 $220 million package Scott Morrison: "We’re backing our forestry industry and the more than 73,000 jobs it supports all across Australia with a nearly $220 million package that invests in new technologies to grow the sec" https://auspol.co/scott-morrison-were-backing-our-forestry-industry-and-the-more-than-73000-jobs/ 
"Cash-grant scheme designed to help foresters and farmers in 11 declared regional forest hubs" $86m 21 Feb 2022 "a key component of the National Forest Industries Plan" https://www.pm.gov.au/media/86-million-offer-grow-australias-plantation-estate  "Fed’s $86M plan is a conversation starter" https://www.timberbiz.com.au/friday-analysis-feds-86m-plan-is-a-conversation-starter/
Federal funds for NIFPI, R&D, illegal timber study $26.2m Senator Duniam announced 7 December 2021:
  • $3.1 million over two years to extend the regional National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI) Centres in Launceston, Mount Gambier, and Gippsland.
  • $3.8 million over 3 years from 2022 for matching funding for R&D under the Growers Levy.
  • $900,000 over two years to deliver a series of studies to assess our exposure to illegally logged timber.
Forestry 'Hubs', including new 'hub' for Eden $10.6 million
$1.1m for Eden
Ministers' media statement  Timberbiz article  Article in Eden Magnet
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation centre in Gippsland grants $4 million Australian and Victorian governments are contributing $1.89 million to these successful projects, which is being matched by about $2 million of funding and inkind contributions from the forestry industry and research agencies https://duniam.com.au/gippsland-forestry-research-drives-national-innovation/
Budget 2021-22 $12.5 million The funding includes $10.6 million for Regional Forestry Hubs (new Hubs in Eden NT),  $1 million for a feasibility study into an Australia-wide National Institute for Forest Products Innovation and delivery of Plantation Development Concessional Loans https://www.miragenews.com/12-7-million-to-support-growth-and-innovation-558804/
Bushfire Recovery Fund $40 million 22 December 2020 "14 successful applicants for the Forestry Recovery Development Fund, which will provide $40 million in grant funding to help the forestry industry to recover from the devastating bushfires last summer" https://ausfpa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/40million-in-Federal-forest-recovery-funding.pdf
Bushfire Recovery Funding $1,050,000 3 November 2020. $1,050,000 for the expansion of Wood Pellet Production Line, Eden, NSW. This project is for the installation of a raw material wood fibre collection bunker and walking floor, biomass dryer and heat plant, raw material storage silo and a larger higher capacity wood pellet production plant (larger than existing pellet line) and automatic bagging line. https://jimmolan.com/2020/11/03/eden-monaro-nsw-bushfire-recovery-boosted-with-funding-for-local-projects/
Bushfire Recovery Funding $180,500 3 November 2020. $180,500 for Pallet Collar Production Line Upgrade in Eden, NSW. This project will fund the installation of an upgraded new pallet collar production line and new equipment, and fit a roof mounted fire suppression sprinkler system to prevent against bushfire ember attack.https://jimmolan.com/2020/11/03/eden-monaro-nsw-bushfire-recovery-boosted-with-funding-for-local-projects/
Bushfire Recovery Funding $945,240 3 November 2020. $945,240 for a power upgrade for major SEFE Industry Development in Edrom, NSW. The project will replace, upgrade and/or adapt the damaged Eden export chip facility. New developments and restoring the existing processing capacity with associated job retention and job-creating projects requires increased electricity capacity load. This project seeks to provide the necessary infrastructure to upgrade the site power distribution network.https://jimmolan.com/2020/11/03/eden-monaro-nsw-bushfire-recovery-boosted-with-funding-for-local-projects/
Maryvale rail siding Gippsland upgrade (Australian Paper) $3.5 m Victorian Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne: "$3.5m works will ensure products from Australian Paper’s Gippsland mill will continue to be sent by rail for years to come." https://www.miragenews.com/major-works-to-keep-freight-moving-in-gippsland/
Forestry Recovery Development Fund
(announced again)
$40 million Grants between $1 million and $5 million to help industry recover from the devastating summer bushfires. 1 September 2020 https://minister.awe.gov.au/duniam/media-releases/%2440m-forestry-recovery-fund
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI) centre in Gippsland $2 million Joint media release: Senator Jonno Duniam, Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries + Darrren Chester MP, Member for Gippsland. Forest products innovation centre to drive forestry research in Gippsland. 15 July 2020 https://minister.awe.gov.au/duniam/media-releases/nifpi-centre-gippsland
Regional Forestry Hubs, Gippsland Victoria and Central West NSW forestry industries $2.2 million Supporting the development of Regional Forestry Hubs in Gippsland, Victoria and Central West NSW 29 June 2020 https://minister.awe.gov.au/duniam/media-releases/regional-forestry-hubs-gippsland-central-west-nsw
Forestry Recovery Development Fund $40 million Eden-Monaro by-election announcement 23 June 2020: “$40 million Forestry Recovery Development Fund to secure and create jobs....to future-proof with innovative investments in new or existing facilities and technology, or assisting in transitioning to smarter, more efficient practices that value-add along the supply-chain."  https://www.pm.gov.au/media/rebuilding-relief-australias-primary-producers  +  https://minister.awe.gov.au/duniam/media-releases/morrison-government-taking-action-support-forestry-industry-wake-bushfires
Forestry Transport Assistance $15 million Part of the  National Bushfire Industry Recovery Package 11 May 2020 https://www.pm.gov.au/media/boost-bushfire-recovery
Videos to promote Australia’s logging industry as environmentally sustainable $94,875 Videos aimed at promoting Australia’s logging industry as environmentally sustainable, part of the Australian forestry industry ‘the ultimate renewable’ 2019 campaign.
NSW Supply Chain Support Grants — Forestry bushfire recovery Upper limit of $6m per applicant for woodchip storage and $120,000 for others. Financial assistance to forestry businesses that have been impacted by the bushfires from 31 August 2019 https://www.nsw.gov.au/bushfire-industry-recovery-package/supply-chain-support-grants-forestry
Heyfield Australian Sustainable Hardwoods $3 million New $3 million timber manufacturing plant.  Federal Government funding for the project was provided through the $20 million Regional Jobs and Investment Package. 20 March 2020
Queensland Cypress Supplies, Mungallala $250,000 Grant from the  Rural Economic Development (RED) to help fund  expansion of business and create job growth, " including loggers, truck drivers,"  in regional areas August 2019 http://timberandforestryenews.com/wp-content/uploads/Issue-572.pdf
Pentarch Logistics Pty Ltd $3 million Design, installation and commissioning of a briquette plant to compress and package high-value wood fibre products from forestry processing residues and waste https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/about-us/media-centre/releases/2019/successful-forest-innovation-project-unveiled
Australian Paper $475,000 Australian Paper Recovery $2.5 million paper sorting facility in Truganina https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/opening-a-new-recycling-facility-in-melbournes-west/
Forestry pilot program for North-West Tasmania $12.5 million Regional "forestry hub" pilot program NW Tasmania Feb 15 2019 https://www.theadvocate.com.au/story/5907245/feds-funding-north-west-forestry/?fbclid=IwAR00aZ23QBUOwRWqUejV3Nbd_f6wKKyB868vQWq780xlVDHp6RLOXDDiQoU
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI) the Launceston centre $5.5 million Commonwealth/ State funding for the inaugural round of research projects funded by NIFPI  http://www.richardcolbeck.com.au/press-releases 23 November 2018 
Boral Timber. Grant from Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to investigate a ‘second-generation’ biofuels refinery.
$500,000 The project will use waste sawmill residues from the Boral Timber Hardwood Sawmill at Herons Creek near Port Macquarie. https://arena.gov.au/assets/2018/08/ARENA-Media-Release_Boral-Timber-to-turn-sawmill-residues-into-biodiesel.pdf
NSW Forest Industries Innovation Fund Loans up to $3 million per applicant https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/assistance/forest-industries-innovation-fund More information at https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/assistance/forest-industries-innovation-fund/forest-industries-innovation-fund-faqs
Eden timber industry "investment" by NSW State Government $12.4 million

Bega MP  Andrew Constance quoted in Eden Magnet 22 Aug 2018 announced a $12.4m "investment" for the Eden timber industry. Of this, $10m would be  income support (if required) for Blue Ridge Hardwoods in case of job losses. The remaining $2.4m would be allocated to operations of the mill over the following 12 months. 


NSW Budget 2018 $71.8 million "Budget delivers historic investment in forestry"

National Forest Industries Plan

$20 million

"$20 million for forest industries a welcome Budget injection" https://www.timberbiz.com.au/20-million-for-forest-industries-a-welcome-budget-injection/
Gippsland Logging and Earthmoving $762,795 Project in Morwell to make bioenergy pellets from sawdust and residue used for heating, animal bedding and absorbant products. Sounds like a pellet plant. https://darrenchester.com.au/20-million-to-create-more-than-1200-new-jobs-in-gippsland/
Australian Sustainable Hardwoods, Heyfield mill $1.2 million Twin band saw value recovery project to maximize the recovery of timber and minimise sawdust and wood chip waste. https://darrenchester.com.au/20-million-to-create-more-than-1200-new-jobs-in-gippsland/
Forestry Corporation of NSW $750,000 Project assessing the  North Coast private native forest north from Newcastle. January 2018
Institute of Foresters of Australia  for 'Futures Leaders' program Nov 2017 $205,000 From the Turnbull Government's $5 million Leadership in Agricultural Industries Fund. A grant to boost the lobbying capacity of the logging industry.http://minister.agriculture.gov.au/ruston/Pages/Media-Releases/-Investing-in-leadership-in-our-fisheries-and-forestry-industries.aspx
Forestry Tasmania losses 2004 to 2017 $1 billion Since its peak in 2004 it has lost over $1 billion from forestry activities. http://tasfintalk.blogspot.com.au/2017/11/forestry-tasmanias-final-report.html
Heyfield Timber Mill, Australian Sustainable Hardwoods $62 million $50m for purchase, all up $62m. Victorian Government buys mill. "Heyfield Timber Mill Secured"  more
Farm Forestry projects $200,000 Subtropical Farm Forestry Association and Specialty Timber Growers Inc. For the two groups to "assist their members to better promote their products and use research to establish best practice in timber production and processing." more
Australian Paper waste to energy project $5 million Federal and Victoria governments  committed $2.5m each to Australian Paper for a total of $7.5 million in funding towards an" innovative waste to energy project" click
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation $12 - 14 million $4M from Commonwealth, Tasmanian 2017-18 State Budget for National Institute for Forest Products Innovation node, Launceston,  providing a total of $12 - 14 m. http://ausfpa.com.au/media-releases/tas-government-commits-2m-for-forest-products-innovation/
Biomass power station, Collie, WA $30 million Election promise by WA Labor Leader,   Mark McGowan January 2017   https://www.markmcgowan.com.au/news/mark-mcgowan-unveils-wa-labors-plan-for-collie-preston-1290
Forestry Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2007, s. 9(1) – $60.914million 2016/7  - 2020/21 Payments and matching payments to an industry services body and Commonwealth administration expenses. Source: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/about/budget/2017-18/2017-18-pbs-dawr-01.pdf
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation $4million In 2017/18 Budget    http://ausfpa.com.au/media-releases/budget-honours-4m-pledge-for-forest-products-innovation/ 
National Partnership on mechanical fuel load reduction trials $500,000 http://www.agriculture.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/about/budget/2017-18/2017-18-pbs-dawr-01.pdf
Forest and Wood Products Australia $900,000 Project "to apply Natural Capital Accounting on forestry, cotton and fisheries enterprises." http://www.camdencourier.com.au/story/4663179/big-forestry-project-launched-in-wauchope/
National Institute for Forest Products Innovation
$4m ($12m  when matched by State and industry funding) 2016 Coalition election promise for 2 nodes in Launceston and Mt Gambier. http://andrewnikolic.com/2016/05/launceston-hub-in-12-million-investment-in-forestry-rd
2016 coalition election promise: agroforestry R&D project $520,000 TREE-MENDOUS NEW R&D PROJECT http://www.darrenchester.com.au/media-room/1804-tree-mendous-new-r-d-project
Victorian State Government grant to Ryan and McNulty Saw Millers, Benalla $900,000
NSW Forestry Corporation - subsidy for log haulage to compensate for the creation of Flora reserves, Bermagui, Murrah, Mumbulla and Tanja, NSW far south coast $2.5 million This grant comes from the NSW Environmental Trust. Announced by NSW Environment Minister Speakman 1 March 2016 http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/news/nsw-government-protects-south-coast-koalas-and-local-timber-industry
Forest and Wood Products Australia $4.7 million over 4 years Australian Government matching voluntary contributions to Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) for "investment in innovation" December 16, 2015
Forestry and Forest Products Committee Dinner, 18/2/2015 Melbourne $110 (including $38 for drinks


Hub for forestry research University of Tasmania

$3.6 Million

"UTAS to become hub for forestry research" 20 May 2015 Senator Richard Colbeck, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, http://goo.gl/d53HP5
Govt funding via Australian Research Council 2015 round of Industrial Transformation Research Program (ITRP) total value to about $14 million. The project is a collaboration between industry partners including Greening Australia (Tasmania), SFM Environmental Solutions, Forico, Forestry Tasmania, Island Workshop, FWPA and Neville-Smith Forest Products.

Forest Stewardship Council. Auditors. (Tasmanian Government )



Forest Stewardship Council (Tasmanian Government ) High Conservation Value assessment of forests.



Transport subsidy for trucking woodchips from the southern forests to the Bell Bay port. Tasmania $6 million a year http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-15/macquarie-point-named-as-preferred-southern-tas-woodchip-port/5815398
Trade Mission to China and Japan, April, 2015 $41 992.41 (including $10,918 for dinners and drinks   http://goo.gl/KpXs3g"Sustainable forestry highlighted during delegation to Japan and China", 29 April 2015 Senator Richard Colbeck, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture. Delegates were Mr Ross Hampton—Chief Executive Officer, Australian Forest Products Association • Dr Bill Hurditch—Principal, Fifth Estate • Dr Alastair Woodard—Consultant, Forest and Wood Products Australia • Mr Simon Kang—Executive Director, Ta Ann Australia China  Source: http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Senate_Estimates/rratctte/estimates/index
Tasmania: Bio-fuels and bio-energy study, May 2015 $750,000 over four years  Tasmania Liberal Government. Forests to fuel the state http://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/forests-to-fuel-the-state/story-fnj4f7k1-1227368946884
Bio-fuels in the Dorset and Huon municipalities, Tasmania May 2015 $200,000 Tasmania Liberal Government. Forests to fuel the state http://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/forests-to-fuel-the-state/story-fnj4f7k1-1227368946884
$100 million rural research and development (R&D) grants program $100 Million Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce 16/10/2014 http://www.timberbiz.com.au/dtn/details.asp?ID=2693
Boral Wood Supply buy-back, June 2014 - north coast wood supply from NSW Forestry Corporation $8.55 million This should be viewed as a subsidy because Boral admitted in its 2014 annual report that it got $8.55M for doing something that was good for its bottom line anyway, with or without the buy-back.
Page13 makes it clear that Boral’s business was adversely affected by competition from imports and a drop in demand: Boral "Renegotiated hardwood timber supply from Forestry Corporation of NSW to better align with demand."
and further in:
"Boral has agreed to accept a 50,000 m3 per annum reduction in its timber allocation for the next nine years. This will support a more sustainable long-term outcome for Boral’s Hardwood timber business "
Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Heyfield mill, Regional Development Victoria grant 2013 $650,000  Grant to help buy the high value equipment the mill owners will now take to Tasmania with them.

Forest Industry Structural Adjustment Program (FISAP) over past 10 years

$58.44 Million

Commonwealth Parliamentary Library

Dinner for national industry lobby group, National Association of Forest Industries, 21 March 2011




Senate Question on Notice 221

Trip to China for Industry Promotion by National Association of Forest Industries 2010/11


Timber Communities Australia, industry lobby group shop front


Forest and Wood Products Australia research grants program 2009-11

$18.63 Million

Losses by State Government logging agencies in NSW, Victoria, WA and Tasmania on native forest logging


average of $14 Million EACH YEAR in NSW. Similar amounts in other States

NSW losses since 2010 see

Access to forest resource and underpriced log royalties.

This is partly covered by logging agency losses (above), but otherwise not calculated.

Grant for industry promotion to National Association of Forest Industries 2010/11




Senate Question on Notice 221


Industry Development grant to National Association of Forest Industries 2010/11


Exemption from local government rates for production forests owned by corporatized State Government logging agencies.


$15 Million EACH YEAR in NSW.

Based on estimate by Bega Valley Shire Council

Damage to federal/ state/ council roads by log trucks. License fees do not cover the cost to the roads of damage done.


A log truck pays only a few times the rego of a car, but does many times the damage to roads


Crucible Carbon. Grant to develop pyrolysis using native forest wood for burning in power stations, 2008 $250,000 Department of Industry "Commercial Ready" Grant scheme http://www.proteomics.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/CommercialReadyGrantAgreementssignedin07_08_July_0820080806031608.pdf Crucible Carbon now produces biochar to be burned in co-generation at the Vales Point Power Station.
2010 Crucible Carbon Pyrolysis federal grant for  "Taking the Crucible Carbon Pyrolysis technology to a ‘sales ready’ position. $685,099 Using native forest wood in a "production facility that demonstrates commercial scale operations for the conversion of timber industry biomass residues to gas suitable for generating on-site heat and power at wood processing plants. "http://www.industry.gov.au/AboutUs/LegalandLegislativeReporting/Grants/Grants2010/Pages/default.aspx
2011/12 Research support from the Tom Farrell Institute at the University of Newcastle. $2.7 million University of Newcastle. Annual-Report-2011-12.pdf "we were awarded a grant from the Biodiversity Fund: “Stepping .....pyrolysis technology for converting biomass residues into renewable energy ."

Nippon Paper. Victoria and Australian governments - grant for de-inked pulp plant at Australian Paper pulp and paper mill, Maryvale, Victoria. 11 October 2012


$9.5 million

http://www.manmonthly.com.au/news/government-grants-$9-5m for pulp plant construction

Nippon Paper, Maryvale Mill (Australian Paper). Victorian Government grant toward recycling plant project  March 2013

$3 million


Services, such as “education” undertaken on behalf of the industry as a whole by either State forestry agencies or the portfolio department, such as Primary Industries and Small Business in NSW

$1.5 Million EACH YEAR in NSW

Question on Notice NSW Parliament

ForestWorks, an industry body for its National Workforce Development Fund (NWDF) and  Enterprise Based Productivity Places Program (EBPPP) 2011/12

$5.2 Million

Commonwealth Parliamentary Library

Damage to waterways caused by erosion and siltation may be difficult to quantify


Impossible to quantify

No calculation available

Carbon costs avoided. Exemption of logging from the carbon pricing scheme.


$362 Million EACH YEAR for Eden chipmill logging alone



Loss of biodiversity/ environmental damage, including the death, injury and suffering of forest mammals, birds and reptiles.


What price can you put on a dead koala or Powerful Owl?


Impossible to quantify.

Greater bushfire risk due to drier, denser, even aged, even height regrowth forest.


Difficulty to quantify


No calculation available


Remediation  of marine environments due to introduction of exotic marine organisms  from ballast water of woodchip carriers


Exotic marine organisms are in all Australia’s woodchip ports

Diesel Fuel Rebate claimed by logging contractors 2007+

$60+ Million over the last 5 years

Commonwealth Parliamentary Library

2010 Government election commitment for a $20 million assistance package for Tasmanian forest contractors and their employees (not part of the Tasmanian Intergovernmental Agreement)


$20 Million

ALP election promise 2010

The Forest Industry Climate Change Research Fund and other grants for bio-energy research and/or development. 2008-11


$4.7 Million








Commonwealth Parliamentary Library

Biodiversity Fund grants to State Forest logging agencies 2012/13


$2.5 Million

Tasmanian Forest Intergovernmental Agreement funding from Federal and State Governments  2010-11


$338 Million (Commonwealth)

$56.4 Million (State)

Tasmania: additional Commonwealth funding May 2013

$7 Million

Tasmanian Forest Contractors Exit Assistance Program 2010-11

$17 Million

Tasmanian Forest Contractors Financial Support Program 2010-11

$5.4 million

 Climate change mitigation research, 2008 and 2011   

$1.4 million

Climate change adaptation research, 2008 and 2011

$3.6 million

National Bushfire Mitigation Programme to reduce the impact of bushfires, including fuel reduction programs and long-term bushfire mitigation strategies (2014-15 Budget). $15 million
$1.5M pilot projects announced March 2015
Announcement of pilot  http://goo.gl/6FppKG
Victorian government grant, 2001 $1 million

Grant for a laser scanner to the then owner of the Heyfield mill, Neville Smith - http://www.eastgippsland.net.au/news/latest-%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%24%24-give-ways

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